Tabla de contenidos
No hay encabezados/***
creates a searchable directory of pages organized by tabs and filtered by tags
path : str (optional, default: current page path)
page path the the parent page where the subpages to be organized are located
most_popular : map (optional, default: none)
show section for most popular pages that have a given tag
tag : str
tag to used for the split between left and right columns for most popular;
left pages have the tag, right pages do not
title : str
title shown for left column
tabs : list (optional, default: empty list)
list of maps describing each tab to show; map entries may contain the following fields
label : str
label for the tab
key : str
key used to identify the selected tab
featured_limit : num (optional, default: 15)
number of pages to show in the "Featured" category
cache_prefix : str (optional, default: none)
when set, caches the page directory for a given view using this key
tag_constraint : str -or- list (optional, default: none)
only list pages that have all of the specified tags
// read parameters
var path = $path ?? page.path;
var most_popular = $most_popular;
var tabs = $tabs ?? [ ];
var featured_limit = $featured_limit ?? 15;
var cache_prefix = $cache_prefix;
var tag_constraint = $tag_constraint;
// check how the current page is being invoked
var query = __request.args.q;
var view = __request.args.v ?? (query ? 'search' : 'featured');
// define variables
var render;
var cache_id;
var pages;
var constraint = 'type:wiki AND path:' .. string.searchescape(path) .. '*';
if(tag_constraint is str) {
let constraint ..= ' AND tag:"' .. string.escape(tag_constraint) .. '"';
} else if(tag_constraint is list) {
let constraint ..= ' AND ' .. string.join([ ' AND tag:"' .. string.escape(tag) .. '"' foreach var tag in tag_constraint where tag is str ], ' AND ');
// check if a search was requested
if(query) {
if(path[-1] != '/') {
let path = path .. '/';
let pages = wiki.getsearch(query, 1000, _, constraint);
} else {
let pages = wiki.getsearch(constraint, 1000);
if(cache_prefix) {
let cache_id = cache_prefix .. '-cache-' .. view;
let render = __env.webcache && webcache.fetch(cache_id);
if(!render) {
let render = (
// remove pages starting with '*'
let parent_page = wiki.getpage(path);
let pages = [ p foreach var p in pages where !string.startswith(, '*') && == ];
// show page count
<p> wiki.localize("MindTouch.Templates.Controls.PageDirectory.entrycount", [ num.format(#pages, "#,##0") ]) </p>;
<p> string.nbsp </p>
// show directory based on current views
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1">
if(view == 'featured') {
<strong> wiki.localize("MindTouch.Templates.Controls.PageDirectory.viewfeatured") </strong>;
} else {, wiki.localize("MindTouch.Templates.Controls.PageDirectory.viewfeatured"));
if(#tabs) {
foreach(var tab in tabs) {
if(view == tab.key) {
<strong> wiki.localize("MindTouch.Templates.Controls.PageDirectory.viewby", [ tab.label ]) </strong>;
} else { & { v: tab.key }, wiki.localize("MindTouch.Templates.Controls.PageDirectory.viewby", [ tab.label ]));
} else {
if(view == 'all') {
<strong> wiki.localize("MindTouch.Templates.Controls.PageDirectory.viewall") </strong>;
} else { & { v: 'all' }, wiki.localize("MindTouch.Templates.Controls.PageDirectory.viewall"));
<form method="get" action=(page.uri)>
if(view == 'search') {
<strong> wiki.localize(""); </strong>;
} else {
<input name="q" type="text" value=(query ?? '') />
<input type="submit" value="Go" />
switch(view) {
case 'featured':
// show 'Most Popular' and 'Recently Added' entries
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0" style="table-layout: fixed;">
if(most_popular && most_popular.tag && most_popular.title) {
<tr valign="top">
<h3> wiki.localize("MindTouch.Templates.Controls.PageDirectory.mostpopularfor", [ most_popular.title ]); </h3>
template("MindTouch/Controls/ListPages", { pages: [ p foreach var p in pages where p.tags[most_popular.tag] is not nil ], sort: 'viewcount', reverse: true, limit: featured_limit, style: 'bullets' })
<h3> wiki.localize("MindTouch.Templates.Controls.PageDirectory.mostpopularfor", [ xml.text(wiki.localize("MindTouch.Templates.Controls.PageDirectory.other")) ]); </h3>
template("MindTouch/Controls/ListPages", { pages: [ p foreach var p in pages where p.tags[most_popular.tag] is nil ], sort: 'viewcount', reverse: true, limit: featured_limit, style: 'bullets' })
} else {
<tr valign="top">
<td colspan="2">
<h3> wiki.localize("MindTouch.Templates.Controls.PageDirectory.mostpopular" ); </h3>
template("MindTouch/Controls/ListPages", { pages: pages, sort: 'viewcount', reverse: true, limit: featured_limit, style: 'bullets' })
<tr valign="top">
<h3> wiki.localize("MindTouch.Templates.Controls.PageDirectory.recentlyadded") </h3>
template("MindTouch/Controls/ListPages", { pages: pages, sort: 'created', reverse: true, limit: featured_limit, style: 'bullets' })
<h3> wiki.localize("MindTouch.Templates.Controls.PageDirectory.recentlyupdated") </h3>
template("MindTouch/Controls/ListPages", { pages: pages, sort: 'updated', reverse: true, limit: featured_limit, style: 'bullets' })
case 'all':
<h3> wiki.localize("MindTouch.Templates.Controls.PageDirectory.directoryfor", [ string.tocamelcase(view) ]) </h3>
template("MindTouch/Controls/ListPages", { pages: pages, sort: 'title' });
case 'search':
<h3> wiki.localize("MindTouch.Templates.Controls.PageDirectory.searchresults") </h3>
template("MindTouch/Controls/ListPages", { pages: pages, sort: 'viewcount', reverse: true });
<h3> wiki.localize("MindTouch.Templates.Controls.PageDirectory.directoryfor", [ string.tocamelcase(view) ]) </h3>
template("MindTouch/Controls/TagDirectory", { pages: pages, tagprefix: view, columns: 3, listpagesoptions: { sort: 'title', reverse: false } })
if(cache_id && __env.webcache) {, render);
} else {
} else {